Garden Managers Lynn Rossiter and David Craig work tirelessly to weed and harvest during the summer months.
Our story.
Turning the TIDE is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to empower underserved residents of Philadelphia through the delivery of technology and educational programs, workforce development services, and social impact projects. Since its inception more than two decades ago, Turning the TIDE has remained committed to addressing the glaring disparities that negatively impact residents in our communities. The majority of our clients belong to Philadelphia's most vulnerable population - and are crippled by their lack of access to adequate education, appropriate nutrition, and proper healthcare. To this end, Turning the TIDE's flagship program is its Verizon FiOs-equipped technology center, where, for the past twenty years, we've leveraged technology to implement youth and adult educational programs. In 2005, Turning the TIDE expanded its scope of services to meet the growing needs of community members. Our current programs include a computer center, digital literacy services, an adult continuing education program, a family literacy program, and an urban garden. These programs are linked by their focus on equipping clients with the skills and resources necessary to improve their lives.
Turning the TIDE
at a glance
Programs Delivered to Empower
TURNING THE TIDE's programs include:
provides open access to computers and basic computer education courses
provides K-12 homework help and adult basic education courses
community-based urban garden where volunteers provide hands-on education to youth and adults about the basics of growing fruits and vegetables
team of talented, high-achieving young adults who work alongside Turning the TIDE staff to develop and deliver youth empowerment programs
members of YLC who are also high-school students receive year-round college counseling
Meet The Team
Staff Members and Board of Directors
Rev. Jonathan Ford
Executive Director
Chair, Board of Directors
N'Jameh Samuels Ford, JD
Deputy Director
Program and Services Director,
The Learning Center
Member, Board of Directors
Lynn Rossiter
Program Manager,
The Garden
Helena Wyche
Adult Education Instructor,
The Learning Center
David Craig
Program Manager,
The Garden
Anani Samuels
Adult Education Instructor &
Family Literacy Volunteer,
The Learning Center
The Garden
John Cureton, II
Member, Board of Directors
David Edman
Member, Board of Directors
Marcie Travagline Abrams, JD
Member, Board of Directors
Akeem Franklyn
Member, Board of Directors